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Radio broadcasters a great help during floods

Tuesday 18 Jan 2011
Australian radio broadcasters are playing a great role in providing information on relief measures operations in Queensland.

A Brisbane resident, Jane Wilson, said: “We have a national broadcaster and it is on the air non-stop with advice as to the height of the waters, peak tide times, what to expect, sending out the flood maps, evacuating the streets, emergency numbers, what to do with the power supply (many deaths are caused by electrocution), where the evacuation centres are located and how to get financial assistance (cash is being handed out at banks that are open with the presentation of a social security card!).

“With no power, computers/Internet powered by batteries don’t last very long. Mobile phone networks are struggling and there’s no-where to recharge mobile phones. So the humble transistor radios are a vital source of information. This is also how we get to hear the premier, who has been giving two-hourly public briefings.”

(personal account of Ms Wilson)