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Programme Department

The ABU Programme Department operates these projects:

Programme Exchange
The Programme Department coordinates the exchange of quality content on rights-free basis through the ABU Children’s TV Item Exchange which started in 1992 as an annual event and the ABU TV Documentary Screening and Exchange.

In the Item Exchange projects more than a hundred of TV items are brought in from the ABU members and from the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), The Union of National Radio and Television Organizations of Africa (URTNA), the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) and broadcasters in Latin America. Radio News is exchanged daily as well via Internet based audio file exchange system called ARNE (ABU Radio News Exchange).

ABU members regularly organise TV co-productions in the field of children’s programming and documentary programmes. Children’s TV Drama Co-production is conducted under the principle of ‘Make one episode and take all others’. All episodes with minimum dialogue are easily understood by all the children from different cultural background. Some episodes are exchanged between the ABU and the EBU. TV documentary co-production related to current issues, such as natural disasters and infectious disease, are done at the appropriate time.

ABU Robocon
The Asia-Pacific Robot Contest, more popularly known as the ‘ABU Robocon ‘, is an exciting annual contest of robotic. Since its start in 2002, engineering students from various universities and institutions of the region compete against each other using their unique robots which are filled with their creativity and passion. After conducting domestic competition, one team can participate in the final matches. The host broadcaster of this event changes in turn every year and the programme of final matches is available for all the ABU members

RadioAsia Conference
The ABU co-organise with the Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC) the annual three-day conference where hot issues on radio programming are on agenda. This is the one of the key regional conference focusing on radio industry and covers public service broadcasting, community radio and commercial radio.

International Radio Forum
Started in 2008 this event is jointly organised by the ABU and IRIB-Iran The theme of the Forum changes every year, but the main focus is always on the matters concerning the values and roles of the public radio service. The Forum is held in conjunction with the International Radio Festival hosted by IRIB.

Workshops and Seminars
Workshops for programme producers are conducted at the time of the ABU Children’s TV Item Exchange and the ABU TV Documentary Screening and Exchange. An annual ABU Prizes Workshop is also held in conjunction with the ABU annual meetings, and other ad-hoc workshops are held upon request from the members in order to raise the quality and skills of the programme production.

Green Radio and Lights Off collaboration
Climate change is a global issue and everyone on this planet shares the responsibility and the consequences. It is time to take action before it is too late.  Radio, as a medium of masses, has a unique position to lead the people on global warming issues.

The ABU has been active in tackling on the issue of global warming and climate change. ‘Lights Off’, introduced by TBS, and ‘Green Radio’, initiated by Radio Republik Indonesia, are two sister campaigns.