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Public Affairs & Communications Division 2

The ABU’s Public Affairs & Communications Division keeps the conversation going between members and with the world.

Its staff of journalists, writers, editors and web designers make sure the ABU’s popular website is lively and informed and they publish two quarterly magazines, ABU News and ABU Technical Review for distribution free to members and affiliates around the world.

Both publications accept advertising and provide a cost-effective means of reaching key decision-makers in the Asia-Pacific broadcasting industry.

The circulation of both publications is over 2,500, and copies of ABU News are sent to Ministers of Information and Broadcasting in all the countries of the Asia-Pacific.

Both magazines are also available by subscription to non-members. A subscription to ABU News is US$45 a year (four issues), and to ABU Technical Review US$45 a year (four issues), inclusive of airmail postage.

The Publications Department also produces books, guidelines, training & technical manuals as well as legal position papers on emerging issues for its member broadcasters.

To advertise in ABU Publications, please contact Larson at

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