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Two secondees join ABU Technology

Thursday 22 Sep 2011
The ABU Technology Department has been strengthened by the arrival on secondment of engineers from two ABU Members, Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) and Forever Group of Myanmar.

Bahadir Gürler of TRT and Kyaw Kyaw of Forever Group will each spend two years at the Secretariat as Specialist Engineers.

They will work alongside the engineering staff to plan and develop ABU activities associated with all aspects from policy, from planning through to implementation.

Mr Gürler has been System Engineer at TRT’s news channel since May 2010. He holds a BS from Istanbul Technical University and is pursuing an MBA from Istanbul University’s Faculty of Business Administration.

Mr Kyaw Kyaw has been with Forever Group since 1997 and presently holds the posts of General Manager, Projects Manger and Chief Technical Officer. He is well known among ABU members through his role as the group’s ABU Technical Liaison Officer.

The secondment scheme is designed to expand the range of services the ABU offers by drawing on the expertise of specialists from individual members. In recent years, a number of engineers from KBS-Korea have spent a year on secondment to the department.

ABU Technology welcomes Mr Gürler and Mr Kyaw Kyaw, and hopes their secondment will be productive and rewarding.