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ABU Books 2

The following ABU publications are currently in print and obtainable from the ABU Secretariat:

A Road Map to Public Service Broadcasting – 64 pages

This book, written by former Secretary General of the Commonwealth Broadcasters Association Elizabeth Smith, focuses on those who have either achieved PSB or are trying to do so. It is aimed at those who are thinking about going down this path, but do not know exactly how to do it. It also tries to open minds to the new opportunities offered to broadcasters by the digital switchover to lead the way into interactive public service media.

Investigative Journalism: A Handbook for Asia-Pacific Broadcasters – 76 pages 

Not only is investigative journalism at the core of what is meant by the term, ‘watchdog journalism’, it has a definite moral purpose. It has a lot to do with the concepts of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’.

Investigative journalism produces stories that deliver impact as it unveils what is often, the untold truth. Investigative Journalism: A Handbook for Asia-Pacific Broadcasters offers a methodical approach from finding the story to managing the investigation and scripting the story for broadcast. The author also lists ethical considerations, challenges and pitfalls of investigative journalism which would help to keep journalists themselves accountable as they craft their reports.

Handbook on Copyright – 149 pages (US$10) 

The Handbook on Copyright provides clarity on the complicated but important topic of copyright. Prepared in an easy-to-understand question-and-answer format, the Handbook on Copyright is designed to provide guidance tolaymen. The author describes copyright law in simple language and, by demystifying some of the principles and concepts, makes the book’s contents accessible to those with no legal background.

Four Decades of Unity – 128 pp illustrated (US$10) 

No longer available

The A short history of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, written by the fourth Secretary-General, Hugh Leonard, covering the years from its inception to 2002. It incorporates some material from the previously published book by Sir Charles Moses – Diverse Unity – which covered the history of the ABU up to 1977.

Cost Effective TV Studio System – Design Considerations (US$10) 92pp 

This publication is the third Monograph produced by the ABU on the design of a cost effective television studio. Authored by Derek Lane, formerly with Television New Zealand, it reflects the modern approach to low cost television studio design.

Low Cost Digital Radio Production Systems Design Consideration – A Reference Manual (US$10) 89pp 

This publication is the result of an ABU-UNESCO (IPDC) activity on Low Cost Digital Production Systems that was held in Laos in May 2005. It is aimed at training engineers to design low cost radio studio systems using digital techniques, with contributions from experts from TRT and IRIB.

File Formats for Sound Programme Exchange (US$10) 61pp 

This is a 61-page study undertaken by the ABU Project Group – Audio file Formats under the Topic Chairmanship of Mr Takao Shimizu of TBS, Japan. The BWF Format is increasingly entering the mainstream broadcast production areas and was considered an important subject to study and to inform the general membership about.

Digitalisation and Automation of Broadcast & Recording Studios (US$10) 90pp 

This is a 90-page comprehensive report on radio studio digitalisation and automation prepared by an ABU Technical Advisory Service expert, Mr Byung Moon Oh of the Korean Broadcasting System. This publication is based on his mission report to the Philippines Broadcasting Service in November 2003

Modern Broadcast Engineering Management – 2002 (US$10) 103pp 

This is a study of engineering practices and how other broadcasters have responded to the demand for change, especially those from developing countries in the region. It provides an overview of the new landscape of broadcasting and identifies strategies for successful introduction of new technology.

Reference Guide on Virtual Studio Systems – 2002 (US$10) 52pp 

This 52-page publication has been prepared with the objective of providing broadcasters with an understanding of the technology behind Virtual Studio Systems and their potential applications. It also provides some general guidelines for the selection of appropriate systems and lists the commercially available products.

Reference Manual on Satellite Broadcasting – 2000 (US$20) 381pp 

Edited by John Batchelor, this updated version of an earlier ABU publication of the same title is intended to assist broadcasting engineers extend their understanding of satellite usage as it applies to radio and television.

Reference Guide for Implementation of Data Broadcasting in FM Services – 2000 (US$10) 63pp 

Prepared by the ABU Specialist Group on Ancillary Signals in Sound Broadcasting, this guide is aimed at assisting radio broadcasters in implementing RDS and DARC systems using the capacity of their FM transmissions.

Manual on HF Antennas – 1990 (US$10) Dr C S R Rao
134 pp
An introduction to this specialised topic.

Guidelines – Television Archiving – 1999 (US$10) 
Reprint now available
86 pp

A guide for medium-sized television stations on how to store valuable archive material, including selection, tape formats and documentation.

Guidelines for Management of Radio Frequency Radiation Hazards – 1997 (US$5) 40 pp 

A guide to safety measures in respect of RF radiation.


Publications Department
ABU Secretariat
PO Box 12287, 50772 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Technical Department
ABU Secretariat
PO Box 12287, 50772 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia