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First DRM+ trial in the Asia-Pacific Region

Friday 12 Nov 2010

The DRM Consortium has announced a DRM+ trial and workshop in Sri Lanka in the FM band. The Consortium has joined forces with the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka, SLBC, the Sri Lankan radio broadcaster, Deutsche Welle and the ABU to run the trial and showcase it to the broadcasters and the radio industry. One of the SLBC FM transmitters in Colombo will be used for the trial.

The two-day DRM+ technical trial is planned for 29 and 30 November and will be followed by a workshop organised with ABU, where participants will be invited to experience the DRM+ live broadcast, to observe the initial results of the DRM+ trial and to learn more about the full DRM standard. The workshop will be held at the World Trade Centre in Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 1-3 December.

To secure a place at the workshop, please register now by emailing Limited places are available.

Registration will close on Monday 22 November 2010

(DRM Consortium)