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Afghanistan ‘still dangerous for news media’

Friday 07 Oct 2011
Ten years after the US and its allies invaded Afghanistan, the country remains just as dangerous for news media, the International News Safety Institute (INSI) says.


In the decade since the allied invasion, at least 19 journalists and media workers – both foreign and local – have lost their lives, INSI said.

“The eyes of the world are firmly focused on Afghanistan again, 10 years after the start of the war there,” INSI Director Rodney Pinder said.

“The dangers are no less for news media working in Afghanistan than they were on 7 October 2001, particularly for local journalists.

“INSI has been working to provide safety training and advice to Afghan media workers over the past few years and we hope to return to Afghanistan to deliver much-needed training to those who continue to risk their lives every day to tell the story of this country.”