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IRIB-Iran wins URTI Radio Grand Prix

Monday 31 Oct 2011
IRIB-Iran has won the 2011 URTI Radio International Grand Prix for its programme, Street Children, which was produced by Khosro Rasouli.

URTI Radio International Grand Prix

The award of the Grand Prix, which is accompanied by a gold medal and a US$5,000 prize, was made during an official ceremony in a Parisian suburb, in France, on 20 October.

“Poverty” was the theme selected for the 23rd edition of the annual competition organised by URTI (Union Radiophonique et Télévisuelle Internationale). Street Children was selected from 105 programmes from 73 organisations, representing 45 countries.

The silver medal went to Radio France while VOV-Vietnam received the bronze medal. ABC-Australia received special mention for its programme, Children of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Established in 1989, the URTI Radio International Grand Prix annually selects different themes for the competition and honours TV and radio programmes, based on their originality and research.