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DW and DDI sign comprehensive agreement

Saturday 05 Nov 2011
Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany’s international broadcaster, has entered a comprehensive agreement with India’s Doordashan (DDI), the television division of Prasar Bharati, the Broadcasting Corporation of India.

Erik Bettermann

This was announced this evening by Erik Bettermann, Director-General of Deutsche Welle during the ABU General Assembly in New Delhi.

DW will cooperate in the areas of co-production, training, joint events and the broadcasting of selected DW programmes on the Doordarshan network. The German broadcaster has had a presence in India since the 1960s.

DW and DDI will also enter into a detailed agreement on the exchange of television programmes in the areas of science and technology, lifestyle, global Issues as well as personalities and events.

In addition, DW-Akademie will provide training for DDI staff that will focus on advanced broadcasting techniques, programme production, technology and management.

Both parties will also explore the possibility of television co-productions. The agreement between the two broadcasters was signed by the DDI Director-General Tripurari Sharan and DW’s Mr Bettermann.

“Prasar Bharati and Deutsche Welle have been given responsibilities which enable both organisations to serve the public in different ways,” Mr Sharan said.

“The memorandum of understanding is a keystone in the relationship not only between Prasar Bharati and Deutsche Welle, but also between the two countries. I am convinced that the cooperation between our two public service broadcasters will contribute to a closer exchange and better understanding between our cultures and nations,” Mr Bettermann said.