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Asian media leaders urged to promote green practices

Wednesday 07 Dec 2011
The United Nations today called on Asian media leaders to encourage environment-friendly and socially inclusive development by governments and businesses.

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The appeal was made during Media Leaders’ Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility and Climate Change in Singapore.

“The engagement of national media players, executive editors and senior correspondents in affecting mass, sustainable consumption of energy, water and food is crucial for environmentally sustainable economic development,” Dr Noeleen Heyzer, the top United Nations Asia-Pacific official, said. Her statement was delivered by Deputy Executive Secretary of ESCAP Shunichi Murata.

“With this in mind, we ask that media leaders devote more production and editorial resources to the coverage of climate change and sustainable development,” the ESCAP chief said.

The forum discussed the role and responsibility of news organisations in promoting social action and behaviour change on critical climate change issues facing the region. It brought together more than 40 Asian media industry leaders and multilateral institutions.

Heads from Asset Radio Broadcasting of Sri Lanka, Nepal Television, the Bhutan Broadcasting Service, National Television of Cambodia, Bangladesh Betar, Myanmar Radio and Television, Indonesia’s Metro TV, Laos National Television and Voice of Vietnam were among those present.

While impressive Asia-Pacific economic growth in recent decades has reduced poverty, this has come at the cost of environmental sustainability.