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İbrahim Şahin re-elected as TRT Director-General

Ibrahim Sahinİbrahim Şahin
was re-elected as the Director-General of the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) on Monday, securing him another four years at the helm of the broadcasting network.

An official decree regarding his re-appointment has been endorsed by Turkey’s President Abdullah Gül.

Mr Sahin, who has been serving as TRT Director-General since 2007, was among the three candidates who were considered by Turkey’s Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK). His term of office was to end on 21 November.

According to a World Bulletin report, Mr Sahin had worked to improve the image of the station and increase ratings, overseeing the creation of 14 new TRT channels, including the 2009 launch of TRT’s first Kurdish channel, during his initial term.

With his reappointment, Mr Sahin will head TRT until 2015.