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Survey: Australians still choose radio for breakfast

Thursday 22 Dec 2011
A study reveals that 76 percent of all Australians aged 14 years and above listen to the radio, and 54 percent listen during breakfast (5.30 a.m. to 9 a.m.).

Survey: Australians still choose radio for breakfast

Results of the study by Australian market research agency Roy Morgan Research were released today.

Although the incidence of radio listening is higher in metropolitan areas, the listening patterns are consistent.

Of the capital cities, Perth, Adelaide and Hobart recorded the highest percentage of population that listened to any radio station (82 percent, 81 percent and 81 percent, respectively) during the 12-month period October 2010 – September 2011.

In regional areas, Victoria, Queensland and Tasmania recorded the highest percentage of state regional population that listened to any radio station (78 percent, 76 percent and 75 percent, respectively).

Across the board, the Breakfast session on radio is still by far the most popular time to listen to the radio, followed by the Drive session (4 p.m. to 7 p.m.), then the Morning session (9 a.m. to 12 p.m.).

The agency’s Industry Director (Media) George Pesutto says: “Even with the proliferation of media channels, radio remains a constant, particularly during key times throughout the day such as the daily commute to/from work and school.

 “For the majority of Australians, listening to the radio at breakfast time continues to be a really important part of their daily routine.”