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ABU Prizes 2009

ABU Prizes 2009 winners
  Radio Drama TV Drama
Submitting Organisation P.R. China (RTPRC/CNR) Japan (NHK)
Title of Programme A Heroic Monk in Earthquake A Samurai’s Devotion
(Ep.2: Crybaby Yoroku)
  Radio Infotainment TV Entertainment
Submitting Organisation I.R. Iran (IRIB) Japan (NAB/YTV)
Title of Programme Chamce Khatoon 2008 Japan International Birdman Rally
  Radio Children and Youth TV Children
Submitting Organisation Indonesia (RRI) Mongolia (MNB)
Title of Programme The Rain Friendly Can you…?
  Radio News TV Youth
Submitting Organisation Hong Kong (RTHK) I.R. Iran (IRIB)
Title of Programme Death Note Hunter
  Radio Documentary TV News
Submitting Organisation Japan (NAB/Tokyo FM Broadcasting Co.Ltd) Hong Kong (RTHK)
Title of Programme Sonoko’s Letter Hong Kong Connection – Why did school building collapse?
  Radio External Broadcasts TV Documentary
Submitting Organisation P.R. China (RTPRC/CRI) Republic of Korea (KBS)
Title of Programme How Far Away is Sudan? Mysterious Food is Born
  Radio Special Jury Prize TV Sports
Submitting Organisation Mongolia (MNB) Japan (NHK)
Title of Programme When the World Changes The 88th Emperor’s Cup: All Japan Football Championship Final
    TV Special Jury Prize
Submitting Organisation
Title of Programme Afghanistan (SABA Media Organisation) The Hand Print: Omid

2009 Winners and Commendations List

ABU Prizes 2009 Jury Members