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How to become a member

Membership is open to national broadcasters and national broadcasting organisations.

Full Membership

Free-to-air broadcasting organisations in independent countries in the ABU region may apply for Full, Additional Full or Associate membership, provided that (a) they provide broadcasting services of a national character or national importance in the countries of their location; and (b) they actually produce and/or commission under their own editorial control a substantial proportion of their programme output. Membership fees are determined by the applicant’s annual gross operating expenditure. There are only two Full members in each country so that there is a balance of voting rights across the region. The principal voting rights relate to approving amendments to the ABU Statutes, election of office bearers, and the admission of new members.

List of Members

Additional Full Membership

Free-to-air broadcasting organisations in independent or non-independent areas (such as Special Administrative Regions) in the ABU region may apply for Additional Full or Associate membership, provided they fulfill the conditions (a) and (b) in the paragraph above. Additional Full members enjoy the same rights of membership as Full members, but with more limited voting rights. Membership fees are determined by the applicant’s annual gross operating expenditure and are less than those of Full members.

List of Members

Associate Membership

There are six sub-categories which allow free-to-air broadcasters, subscription broadcasters and broadcasting associations to qualify for Associate membership. Associate members enjoy the same rights of membership as Full and Additional Full members, except that they are not entitled to vote or be eligible for nomination to the Administrative Council. Membership fees are determined by the applicant’s annual gross operating expenditure and are less than those of Full and Additional Full members.

List of Members

Affiliate Membership

Affiliate membership is offered to organisations who do not qualify for Full, Additional Full or Associate membership. These include non-broadcasters, regulators, satellite operators, related industry service providers and other corporate bodies interested in maintaining a close relationship with the broadcasting industry. Affiliate membership fees are determined by the applicant’s annual gross operational expenditure and range from US$1,440 to US$6,000.

Benefits of Affiliate Member

List of Members

Institutional membership

This category of membership may be offered to international organisations, usually on the basis of reciprocal membership being offered to the ABU. Institutional membership is granted through the invitation of the ABU’s Administrative Council.

List of Members