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UNESCO-ABU Workshop on Content Creation for Digital Radio

UNESCO-ABU Workshop on Content Creation for Digital Radio

25-28 August 2010, Grand Dorsett Subang Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

The ABU is putting considerable emphasis on enhancing radio broadcasting related activities and providing increased assistance to radio broadcasters within the membership, particularly to those in the developing countries. This is in recognition of the importance of the role radio plays in the Asia-Pacific region where the listener-ship is in millions and many depend on it as the sole means of information.

The ABU makes every effort to encourage and guide radio programmers of radio broadcasters in producing new and meaningful programmes which directly relate to the requirements of audiences in this region.

Digital radio broadcasting is being gradually introduced in the Asia-Pacific region and tests are underway in many countries. Broadcasting of radio programmes to the mobiles has already seen introduction in the region.

As content is the key driver for broadcasting services, more so for those based on the digital technologies. This is applicable particularly to digital radio. Apart from better sound quality, digital radio provides for many additional applications and data based services.

Content for digital radio can be significantly different from the type of content that is broadcast on analogue radio. Most ABU radio broadcasters possess no expertise in creating such programming and other content for digital radio services.

The ABU Programme Department has organised above cited event in Kuala Lumpur from 25-28 August 2010. This training workshop for content creators of ABU members will deal with conceptualising, devising formats and in producing content for digital radio. The specific target group for the training is radio content creators/programme producers. This event is being supported by the UNESCO through a grant under the IPDC programme.

Download draft agenda here