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PMP Conference in Tonga

Pacific Media Partnership Conference adopts key declaration to promote broadcasting


The Pacific Media Partnership Conference was a part of the three-day event which was held in Tonga from 19-21 December 2011. The event with the theme “Strengthening Voice of the Pacific”, comprised of seven pre-conference workshops on 19-20 December and a full-day conference on 21 Dec.

The PMP adopted a key declaration calling on the governments, international organisations and all stakeholders to assist and empower the broadcasters in the Pacific region to help them carry out their mandate of providing information, education and entertainment through their services to audiences. Recognizing the need to overcome the digital divide, the Partnership urged the concerned governments and international funding agencies to work together in close coordination through a common secretariat. This is deemed as an important step in the development and sustenance of the broadcasting industry in the region.

The event, held at the Fa’onelua Convention Centre in Nuku’alofa in Tonga, was attended by more than 70 senior executives of broadcasting and media organisations in the Pacific Island countries. This event provided a platform for the broadcasters in the Pacific to share knowledge and expertise to improve and promote media coverage in the region. The conference addressed issues pertaining to Public Service Broadcasting, its Sustainability, New Media Technologies, Digitalisation and Technologies Relevant to the Pacific and a CEO Forum debated on the theme “The Way Forward for Pacific Broadcasters”. The workshops related to Enhancing Public Service Broadcasting and Media for the Public Interest in the Pacific, Media coverage of HIV in the Pacific, Content Creation for Radio and Multiplatform in the Digital Age, Emergency Warning Broadcasting: Preparing People and Great East Japan Earthquake and Giant Tsunami, Emergency Broadcasting – Collaborative Methods to Assist Building Resilience in Pacific Communities, Frequency and Coverage Planning for TV and Radio Stations, and Digital Broadcasting Roadmaps for Pacific Island Countries.

The event was jointly organised by the ABU, AIBD and the Pacific Media Partnership Committee and was hosted by the Tonga Broadcasting Commission.

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