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HFCC 2012 Closes

Global Shortwave Conference considers extending its scope to incorporate other international delivery mediums

The steering committees’ of the three shortwave coordination groups agreed to the view of extending the shortwave coordination process to incorporate other international delivery platforms like the internet and other new media delivery methods.The 5-day conference included a focused session on this issue, which included three informative presentations from experts and an extensive discussion.

The 8th Global Shortwave Coordination Conference came to a close today. The conference which began on 9 January was attended by over 95 frequency managers representing about 50 shortwave broadcasters around the globe. The Global Coordination meeting is the joint meeting of the three coordination groups, HFCC from Europe, ASBU from the Arab States and ABU-HFC from the Asia-Pacific region. Together these groups comprise around 90% of the world’s shortwave radio broadcasters.

The ABU Shortwave Coordination Group appointed its new Steering Committee for the next two year term ending January 2014. The 12 member committee included representatives of shortwave broadcasters and will continue to work in the development of shortwave broadcasting and finding solutions to the issues faced by its members. The committee appointed Mr Zulkifli Abdul Rahim of Radio Television Malaysia as its new Chairperson for the next two year term. The ABU-HFC Group also provided its full support to the initiative taken by the High Frequency Coordination Conference (HFCC) of Europe on the inclusion of other international delivery methods. The Committee also agreed to renew its effort on the publication of the shortwave journal, which will carry information and success stories of shortwave broadcasting, and will be made available online for members and other stake holders.

Shortwave Coordination is a bilateral process in which the frequency managers adjust their frequencies to accommodate each other’s transmissions. This process is supported by a complex technical evaluation and validation process, the latter requiring very advanced software tools and fast computing facilities.