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ABU and AIBD second coordination meeting

ABU/ AIBD coordination meeting was held on 14 February at the AIBD Premises. In this meeting, ABU was represented by its Secretary – General Javad Mottaghi and SE DEUK AHN, director ABU News, Doki Takeshi Director the ABU Programming, and Sharad Sadhu, Director, ABU technology. AIBD was represented by its Director Yang Binyuan and three colleagues Manil Cooray, Deputy Director Marcel Gomez and James Sinclair Programme Manager.

Two parties reviewed their fruitful partnership in 2011 in Tonga, Hanoi and Kuala Lumpur and planned for more joint venture events in news, technology and programming in 2012 and onwards.

ABU and AIBD agreed to:

  1. Implement an at least one in- country technical workshop in Vanuatu in 2012.   
  2. An ABU/ ASBU/ AIBD News Workshop in KL in June 2012.
  3. A Training Workshop for TV Children producers in 2012 and 2013  
  4. AIBD also agreed to implement a Pre- Summit Training Workshop on TV Children Programming prior to the World Summit on Media for Children that will be organised by ABU and hosted by RTM, Malaysia in September 2014 in Kuala Lumpur.

ABU and AIBD have formed three joint sub- groups on Technology, News andprogramming to further strengthen their partnership. While the three sub-groups will work together to develop more joint venture projects, the next ABU/ AIBD coordination meeting will be held in August 2012.