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Netherlands signs anti-cyber crimes treaty

The Netherlands and the United States have agreed to intensify their cooperation in the fight against cyber crime.

The Dutch Justice Minister Ivo Opstelten signed a treaty to that effect on Wednesday evening in Washington DC.

In an interview for the  Dutch public radio, the minister said that the treaty did not include paragraphs on the protection of privacy. Cooperation will focus on the protection of vital infrastructure, he said. “Coming to mind are the energy supply, banks, water management and airports. Things that affect people’s lives day in, day out.”, he added.

The Netherlands and the US agreed to share expertise to safeguard energy supply and other vital utilities that could be threatened by a cyber attack. “We will also carry out better forensic investigations aimed at catching the criminals behind these attacks.”

The minister said cooperation was important because cyber crimes are often of an international nature. He did not want to go so far as saying that the Netherlands could not do without US expertise but commented: “We must learn from each other.”