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Workshop on HDTV Studio Operations gets underway in Ankara



The Workshop on “HDTV Studio Operations”, organized jointly by the ABU and Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT), began yesterday in Ankara, Turkey. The workshop is hosted by TRT at its broadcast facility in Ankara. The five-day workshop will look into the technical and operational issues and techniques in the production environment when moving from SD to HD production. The workshop will also include hands-on practical sessions with the experts in the use of camera, lighting, make-up and other techniques used for both indoor and outdoor HD productions.

The workshop is attended by over 20 participants representing engineers, cameramen, make-up artists, lighting technicians and other production staff from Turkey, Jordan, Azerbaijan and Croatia. The expert, Dr Aly Yeganeh of Canal France International (CFi-France) has many years of experience working in the production as well as technical facilities and will be able to provide a combined perspective of technical as well as artistic approach to HDTV production. The workshop will run until 23 March 2012.