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TRT to host 34th International Children’s Festival

TRT is preparing to host children and broadcasting teams from around 40 countries for the ‘23rd April International Children’s Festival’ in Konya, central Turkey.

This year’s edition of the festival will be much more comprehensive and wide-reaching than ever before. TRT has reshaped and transferred the festival to an international platform which allows for seamless collaboration with participating countries and those who want to share in the festivities but are unable to attend.

Participating countries will send a performing team of 8 to 10 children aged between 11-13 years and the teams will perform either a folkloric or free style dance performance during the festival’s gala show. TRT is also organizing a number of side events and meetings for children within the festival context.

From this year, the participating broadcasters will also provide a short documentary each, about their country and culture, from the perspective of children of that country.  The theme for the 2012 is “Food Culture” and the requirement is that children should be involved in their production. These documentaries will form the central point of international exchange among participating broadcasting organizations and will reflect the diversity of cultural approaches through the eyes of children.

This year, as part of the wider festival activities, TRT Çocuk – Kids Channel and TRT Training Department will hold the first ‘TRT – International Congress of Child and Media Applications’ immediately preceding the festival, on 17th and 18th of April. The theme of the congress for this year will be, ‘Preschool Child and Media Applications’. This will provide a platform for academics and children’s media professionals to share their work and their challenges with the aim of producing a guide for those working in the production of children’s media.

TRT is providing, free of charge, broadcast material from each Festival activity, including performances from the three Gala concerts and these will also be shared with YNE (EBU-Youth News Exchange) which will be available to all members.

For more information go to TRT’s main festival website.