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euronews launches in Mongolia

euronews, Europe’s international news channel, has signed an agreement with Mongolian National Public Radio and Television and is increasing its presence in Asia.

With this new contract, euronews, will be available for the first time in Mongolia on the national television channel MNB.

MNB, is available in more than 1.8 million households in Mongolia which accounts for 90% of the country’s population.  In terms of market share, 53% of viewers watch MNB during prime time, according to the broadcaster.

Starting 1 April 2012, MNB broadcasts euronews’ six daily news slots, or two hours per week.

In conjunction with euronews’ editorial team in Lyon, MNB will dub the channel’s programmes in Mongolian.

Michael Peters, CEO of euronews said: “I sincerely thank the Mongolian broadcasting company for their enthusiasm to work with us and to offer our channel to their viewers. This new partnership confirms the rich nature of euronews’ editorial line as well as its appeal outside European borders. This agreement with MNB also provides new exposure in this part of the world between Russia and China. euronews is now broadcast in 11 countries in Asia, to 7 million homes across Asia.”