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China boosts global TV ties at Riviera show

China’s mighty television industry came out in force at this week’s MIPTV entertainment trade show on the French Riviera as the country boosts its links with Western broadcasters, report.

Sending its largest ever delegation to the show, which ran Sunday to Wednesday, China indicated its willingness to increase television tie-ups around the world by inking co-production deals with big-hitting broadcasters.

The 200-strong delegation lent a distinct Asian flavour to the event in Cannes, with the martial arts school of Henan Province staging a display of high kicks and moves at the weekend.

BBC Worldwide announced at the show that it had signed its first co-production deals with CCTV-9, the documentary arm of China’s state broadcaster CCTV, for two new science series from the British broadcaster.

France Televisions also signed a memorandum of understanding, which opens the door for co-productions with CCTV-9 as well as other forms of cooperation, the French public broadcaster’s chairman Remy Pflimlin said.