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DRM Users’ Guide in Russian

The Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) Consortium announced the release of the first guide to the DRM standard in Russian.

It’s not only highlights about the advantages of implementing DRM as a fully open, global, energy and spectrum efficient digital radio standard but also provides all the information required by broadcasters, regulators and the industry to shape the radio digital landscape for tomorrow’s needs.

Albert Waal (DRM Executive Board Member and Technical Director at RFmondial GmbH) editor of the document says, “The Russian Users’ Guide is much more than just a translation of the English version. The guide comes with last minute updates and focuses on the aspects of DRM which have the greatest relevance for the Russian broadcasters and industry.”

DRM Chairperson, Ruxandra Obreja also welcomed the new document to be made freely available on the DRM website.

Digital Radio MondialeTM (DRM) is the universal, openly standardised digital broadcasting system for all broadcasting frequencies below and above 30 MHz, including LW, MW, SW, band I, II (FM band) and band III.