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ABU Administrative Council Meets in Maldives

The 93rd ABU Administrative Council meeting was held today in the Maldives. In his opening remarks the ABU President Dr Kim In-Kyu expressed great satisfaction with the work of the ABU Secretariat in leading the Union through the multitude of changes in the broadcast media, brought on by the proliferation of delivery platforms as well as increased competition.

The ABU Secretary-General Dr Javad Mottaghi briefed the councilors about the implementation of the Action Plans adopted by the 91st Council meeting in Bangkok in May 2011 as well as the achievements of the Union since 2010.

The meeting supported the direction in which the Union is heading, putting members at the heart of all its activities. Dr Mottaghi pointed out that member involvement is the key ingredient for the success of the Union and that the Secretariat will continue to work tirelessly to make members part of decision making and implementation of projects.

The Administrative Council is the ABU’s ‘board of directors’.  It comprises 14 Councilors who are elected by the members at the ABU Annual General Assembly, for a three year term.  The council meets twice yearly to decide on policy matters, to review the Union’s finances and consider current issues facing the ABU.