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CRA launches web resource to highlight the success stories in radio advertising

Commercial Radio Australia has launched a new website featuring information on the best use of commercial radio advertising.

CRA chief, Joan Warner said “Radio Connects”, provides a great source of successful case studies, showing optimum use of radio in actual advertising campaigns.

“This website will become a useful information resource for advertisers and media buyers alike as it showcases real Australian solutions and success stories,” Ms Warner said.

The case studies include a range of advertising campaigns across a range of product and retail sectors. They provide detailed information on target markets, campaign objectives and results, and also provide insights about how the campaign worked.

 “Advertiser and media agencies have been asking for this information and the industry has delivered what I believe is a great initiative for all those thinking about advertising on radio,” Ms Warner said.

“In this highly competitive market, radio must fight hard for every advertising dollar. This case study website, coupled with the power of radio to cut through, and its cost effectiveness, will all assist in delivering the message that radio should be an integral part of any advertising mix.

“It also highlights the diversity of radio advertising – and demonstrates how it can be used in a variety of ways including across platforms, in integrated campaigns with other media, through the use of on-air competitions, traditional spots, and prize giveaways.”

Ms Warner said the industry would add to the website regularly building up a comprehensive bank of Australian case studies to highlight the influence and impact of radio alone and in partnership with digital and other media.

To visit the website go to:  and register to access the case studies.