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Deutsche Welle launches “Education for All” multimedia project

Deutsche Welle’s newest multimedia project Education for All (EFA) launched with five bloggers from Argentina, Germany, Iraq, Kenya and Russia discussing the EFA goals in their countries.

At the World Education Forum (Dakar, 2000), 164 countries agreed to work toward six goals by the year 2015, which included significant improvement in levels of adult literacy, especially for women and achieving gender equality in education.

DW’s multimedia project examines from different perspectives how far the world has come in achieving the goals, where progress still needs to be made and which countries actively support or impede educational development. 

Both in German and in English, five young bloggers from the countries write about their paths through the educational system and share their experiences of education and equal opportunities in their home countries.

The primarily Internet-based project is supplemented with reports by DW correspondents around the world, including videos that document exemplary educational projects. DW journalists also offer an overview of the worldwide education situation by looking at global educational funding and comparing how far countries from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe have come in achieving the goals set in 2000 by the UNESCO declaration.

The Blog can be accessed by clicking on