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DRM Launches dedicated information for India

The Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) Consortium announced the launch of their new online information web page targeted at India.

This is the first initiative of the new DRM chapter for India, which was established a year ago in New Delhi. The new ‘Noticeboard’ is for the benefit of all stakeholders and members of the public who are interested in making DRM a reality in the country.

Led by former All India Radio (AIR) senior executive, Mr Yogendra Pal , the India chapter brings together AIR, some commercial broadcasters, chipset and receiver manufacturers, OEMs and other expertise from India and abroad.

Mr Pal described the new initiative as “coming at an opportune time as India is preparing for the introduction of DRM”.

Digital Radio Mondiale TM (DRM) is the universal, openly standardised digital broadcasting system for all broadcasting frequencies below and above 30 MHz.DRM provides digital sound quality and the ease-of-use that comes from digital radio, combined with a wealth of enhanced features.