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Asian broadcast industry looks to future technologies

New technologies met old at this year’s Broadcast Asia conference which kicked off yesterday with a programme focused on future technologies as Asia’s digital switchover programme reaches completion.

The opening session focused on the business models that can support these new deployments and how operators can navigate the minefield of which to deploy first.

“There are 12 new technologies on the table. Should we take all of them or should we take them one-by-one. How should we decide which one to do first?” said Sharad Sadhu, Director of ABU Technology during the first keynote panel discussion. He urged technology vendors to focus on providing business models within the local market.

Other panelists pointed to the success of broadcasters Channel 4 and the BBC in the UK, but the only panellist who admitted to having a successful business model for new technologies was indeed a new entrant. 

Jonathan Benartzi, the CEO of Live Asia TV, who provide OTT services to niche communities shared the secret of their success as being the humble set-top box, saying that “the only way to get engagement was to give people a box because then you got the forty-plus consumer mums engaging”.

The Broadcast Asia 2012 continues until 22 June at the Marina Bay Sands, in Singapore.