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EBU General Assembly endorses incumbent leadership

The President and Vice-President of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) were elected for a further two year term during the opening session of the EBU General Assembly in Strasbourg.

Confirmation of Jean-Paul Philippot (RTBF/Belgium) as President for a third term, and Claudio Cappon (RAI/Italy) as Vice-President, for a second full consecutive term, was unanimous.

Mr Philippot said he was gratified to have received a clear mandate from the Membership to continue the work begun in cooperation with the EBU Director General Ingrid Deltenre:

I am very grateful for the confidence and support of our Members. I look forward to continuing to work with the Executive Board and the Director General to defend and promote the values that reflect our distinctiveness as Public Service Media, and ensure that our audiences have free access to our content on all media platforms,” Mr Philippot said.

His comments were echoed by Mr Cappon, who highlighted the many achievements of the EBU Partnership Programme in empowering Members to better serve their public. Through the Programme, the EBU has established valuable alliances with international inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, which support PSM and their mission.

The EBU Partnership Programme embodies the principle of solidarity, which is at the heart of our Union – one of the distinctive public service media values that set us apart from commercial media,” said Mr Cappon.

One of the Presidencies’ first tasks will be to launch the procedure for the election of the membership of the Executive Board for the next term of office (2013-2014). The election will take place at the Winter General Assembly in Geneva on 6-7 December 2012.