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NCC approves HD channel broadcasts of Olympics

The National Communications Commission(NCC) Taiwan, approved applications from the four terrestrial television networks to broadcast the Olympic Games on four new high-definition (HD) channels, reports.

The four are Taiwan Television, China Television, Chinese Television Service and Formosa Television. Each has three standard-definition (SD) channels. The approval allows each to broadcast a new HD channel.

Acting commission spokesperson Wong Po-tsung said HD channels would allow the networks to broadcast the Olympic Games all day from July 28 to Aug. 13, adding that the HD channels would not be used to air programs after the Olympics ended.

“The networks were able to secure the licenses for these four HD channels because of special permission from the commission to temporarily change their operational plans for the Olympic Games,” Wong said. “After the games are over, they should still operate by their original operational plans, which do not include HD channels.”

Huang Chin-yi , Deputy Director of the commission’s operational administration, said the commission told the networks they must clearly inform their audiences about which events they would be able to see on the HD channel, as well as when that these events would be broadcast.

The commission also agreed to allow the networks a trial broadcast period on the HD channel before the Olympic Games begin.