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Key broadcasting issues form core of ABU-FES Seminar at the Seoul General Assembly

The digital future, public service broadcasting, online and mobile technologies head the list of topics up for discussion at a special forum at this year’s ABU General Assembly in Korea.

Titled “The Impact of New Media on Public Service Broadcasting”,  and jointly organised with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung for Sunday, 14 October, the seminar will cover a number of key issues facing broadcasters in the Asia-Pacific.

ABU Secretary General Dr Javad Mottaghi says interest in the ABU-FES Seminar will be keen, so he is urging delegates to register for it as soon as possible and certainly by 10 September as seats are limited.

The list of topics to be discussed includes: Beyond Broadcasting for PSBs and the digital tomorrow; Going Global, from national PSB to international media player, the online challenge; More than the Internet, with successful case studies in applying new technologies; Having our Voices Heard, with new media, social media and on-line strategies for smaller PSBs in the Asia-Pacific; Broadcasters or IT specialists, on training and multi-skilling people for a digital future; and A Mobile World, meeting the future expectations of the on-line audience.

The ABU-FES Seminar convenor, Associate Professor Martin Hadlow, says the long-standing public service broadcasting model is under increasing pressure as its radio and television audiences demand that it also provides content on-line, 24 hours a day.

“For the PSB, this means new craft-skills, new technologies, new ways of thinking, new delivery platforms, new management philosophies,” he says.

“Radical change is never easy, especially in State-funded or corporate PSB organisations where entrenched methods and ideas can often be eclipsed by a rapidly moving external social media environment.”

A copy of the GA schedule, the Agenda and more information are available at

The 49th ABU General Assembly will take place from 11-17 October 2012.