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Chance to discuss future of ABU programme developments

ABU members attending the Programme Committee meeting in Korea will get the chance to discuss with the Union’s programming executives current and future activities.

The special session with the ABU Programme Director, senior Radio and TV executives and the Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons of the Programme Committee will take place on 12 October, the first day of a two-day meeting preceding the ABU General Assembly in Seoul.

ABU Programme Director Takeshi Doki says the agenda is still in its discussion stage and he has asked for feedback from members. “Setting the agenda for our annual meeting with members is an important collaborative process and we need to ensure issues discussed are most relevant to our members,” he said.

The two-day meeting will start with remarks from the Standing Programme Committee Chairperson Dato’ Borhanuddin Osman and ABU Secretary-General Dr Javad Mottaghi.

These will be followed by reports from Mr Doki and senior ABU executives, then reports from associated organisations leading up to the discussion session “Future Perspectives on Programme Activities” and reports from a number of Union member organisations.

The second day will feature the work of the Radio Working Party and will be Chaired by Dr Michael McCluskey of Radio Australia, followed by invitations to forthcoming events from the members hosting them.

There will then be a half-day of professional discussions focusing on areas common for Radio, TV and multimedia. This session is the result of recommendations from the ABU Planning and Strategy Group Meeting in Jakarta in May 2012.

Programme executives will be able to share their experiences on social network services, content development across multiple platforms and discuss future plans and collaborative projects.

The meeting will close with the election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons.