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Putting finishing touches to biggest broadcasting event in the Asia-Pacific

Korea is making final preparations for hosting the biggest broadcasting event in the Asia-Pacific, the ABU General Assembly.

ABU President Dr Kim In-Kyu, who is also the President and CEO of KBS, says the event comes at a critical time in the region’s media life.

“At a time when technologies are expanding and audiences have more and more options available through traditional and new media, it has never been more important for the region’s broadcasters to meet, talk and chart a path into the future,” he says.

KBS and Korea are putting the finishing touches to hosting an event which will facilitate the meeting of public service broadcasters and other media organisations, industry suppliers, national regulators, communications experts and others with concerns for the future of radio, television and Online media.

“I urge everyone who has a role to play in ensuring the future of electronic media to join us in Seoul,” he said.

The General Assembly takes place in the towering 63 Convention Center on the banks of the Han River in Korea’s capital from 11-17 October.

As well as tackling issues critical to the future of broadcasting, the General Assembly and associated events will include Super Panel discussions, expert forums, specialist workshops, ABU Awards and the launch of the Asia-Pacific’s first regional Television and Radio Song Festivals.

“This event will be as good as we make it,” Dr Kim says. “Just as the future of broadcasting and new media will be as strong as we can make it.”

Information about the 49th ABU General Assembly and how to register can be found through: There is a 1 September 2012 deadline for hotel bookings and visa applications.