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Important safety lessons brought home to journalists

Almost 40 broadcasters from Thailand and Myanmar are attending an ABU workshop on the safety of journalists and trauma reporting.

The three-day in-country workshop is being run in Bangkok by the ABU and the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, supported by the UNI Global Union Asia and Pacific region.

The workshop is looking at areas such as trauma awareness, safety and the ethics and practice of trauma reporting.

The workshop from 15-17 August is hosted by ABU member National Broadcasting Services of Thailand (NBT), whose Deputy Director-General Mrs Tuenjai Sinthuvnik said in her opening address: “In today’s complex environment, news reporting faces many challenges. We understand very well the necessity to enhance the knowledge and skills of newsrooms and field reporters when it comes to their physical and emotional safety. Our aim is to bring about quality journalism and broadcasting in the face of traumatic events, whether it is violence, disasters or other tragedies.”

Thai broadcasting participants include NBT, Thai PBS and MCOT as well as members from the Myanmar Forever Group and Myanmar TV3.