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Don’t miss out on important debates, delegates are told

Delegates to the upcoming ABU General Assembly in Korea are being urged to register for two special seminars covering public service broadcasting as well as gender mainstreaming in the region’s media.

Organisers say special forums on gender and on the impact of new media on public service broadcasters are filling up fast.

The special gender media forum brings together several international organisations in a new initiative to empower women in the media and information and communications technology (ICT) industries.

The initiative will be launched at the forum in Seoul from 10-11 October and will provide a region-wide platform for sharing ideas and best practice for developing the inclusiveness of women and girls through media and ICTs. 

The forum is organised by the ABU and a number of partners including the host broadcaster KBS, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), UNESCO and the UNI Apro.

More than 200 professional broadcasters, ICT industry leaders and representatives of international development organisations are expected to participate.

Among the speakers are policy makers and leading advocates of gender equality in media and ICT including the ITU Special Envoy for Women and Girls in the field of technology, Oscar-winning actress Geena Davis.

The special forum comes as United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has issued a new warning that discrimination against women hampers progress in alleviating world poverty and costs Asia-Pacific economies tens of billions of dollars a year.

“Gender discrimination blocks progress,” he told an international meeting for young female leaders during a visit to his native South Korea this week. “Equality makes it possible to achieve huge breakthroughs.”

Delegates are also being urged to register for another special forum on “The Impact of New Media on Public Service Broadcasting” being organised by the ABU and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) for Sunday 14 October 2012.

ABU Secretary General Dr Mottaghi says the forum is attracting senior representatives of most of the public service and other broadcasters in the Asia-Pacific together with guests from around the world.

“It will raise some of the most important issues facing public service broadcasters in the region and around the world as they grapple with a rapidly changing media environment,” he says.

The deadline for conference registration and visa applications is 1 September and more information can be obtained via

For more information on the Gender Forum please contact and those wishing to find out about the ABU/FES seminar can contact