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ABC partners with HBO Asia for new drama

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and Singapore-based HBO Asia are to co-produce a new television series, reports.

The 10-part series is being financed by Screen West, ABC TV and HBO Asia and filmed on location in Singapore.

Kim Dalton, ABC’s director of television, said: “We are very pleased to be working with HBO Asia on its first locally commissioned television drama series.”

Serangoon Road follows the adventures of a former Australia solider, interned during WWII, as he reluctantly takes over the private detective agency of his next door neighbour’s murdered husband.

Serangoon Road will be HBO Asia’s first original series and its chief executive, Jonathan Spink, hopes the show will provide “the highest quality locally produced drama for our Asian audience.”

The series was created and produced by Australian Paul Barron who has previously worked on Australian television shows such as children’s programme Parallax, Chuck Finn and The Gift.