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Less than 4 weeks to the biggest broadcasting event in the Asia-Pacific

With just four weeks till the opening of the 49th ABU General Assembly in Korea, organisers are putting finishing touches to the event preparations.

Some 450 delegates have registered to date and the staff at both ABU headquarters in Kuala Lumpur and the Seoul Secretariat of host broadcaster KBS in Seoul are urging those who have not yet registered to do so quickly.

“This is one of the most crucial meetings for broadcasters in the Asia-Pacific in modern times,” says ABU Secretary General Dr Javad Mottaghi. “The region’s broadcasters are at the very edge of a wave of change sweeping the industry around the world.

“The advent of new media, new technologies and the explosion in consumer empowerment have created direct challenges to the existence of the media in all countries.

“Many of the most innovative and exciting developments are coming out of Asia at this moment and broadcasters here are very eager to share their work.” Dr Mottaghi added.

Special forums debating key issues include:

  • Women With the Wave forum on empowering women through media and ICTs
  • ABU-FES Seminar on the impact of new media on Public Service Broadcasting
  • A super-panel session exploring what is happening Beyond the Digital Wave
  • News beyond the Smart Media era

More information on these forums as well as about the General Assembly Program and Registration details can be found at

Information about Seoul, conference accommodation and venues can be found on our dedicated conference website at