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Ultra-HD:135 channels by 2017

Ultra HDTV, the ‘next generation’ broadcasting standard should see test channels launched next years, says Credit Suisse in a report for clients.

The investment bank, which used its report to examine the state of health of Europe’s satellite industry, said the 3840 x 2160 pixel transmissions (8.3 megapixels) were good news for satellite operators in that it would lead to a greater demand on satellite bandwidth.

It could also lead to greater demand from the pay-TV industry which is expected to lead the adoption of the new broadcasting technology, reports

Credit Suisse says that broadcasters in the US and Europe would be starting their roll-out of U-HD in 2015-16. “We forecast 5 Ultra HD (4k) channels in 2013 9estimated) growing to 135 by the end of 2017 (estimated). From the HDTV launch in the late 1990s/early 2000s the number of HDTV channels grew to 548 in 2010, after roughly 10 years, and reached 797 by the end of 2011.”