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Television as it should be

A Swedish internet-based TV operator claims to have re-invented TV as it should be, reports

“This is the television of the future,” said Magine’s Chairman Michael Werner. “It’s going to change television forever. No more need for set-top boxes.”

The company has developed its own patent pending technology creating easy access to all TV content (live, time-shifted and catch-­up) on all screens (smartphones, tablets, TVs and computers) “without involving hassle with set-top boxes and tiresome installations,” according to Werner.

“The results from a beta user survey for shows that more than 40 percent of users watch significantly more TV than before, by using the Magine cloud-­based TV service on iPads, iPhones, TV-sets and personal computers.” Werner added.

For those who have tested the new service, daily use of it has been astonishingly high. 80 percent of the viewers also say that Magine has changed the way they watch TV by enabling them to watch TV in new places.

Magine is launching its TV services in Sweden during the first quarter of 2013, and in other European countries later in the year.