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ABU GA – Technologies driving change in the media

Developments in information and communications technologies are driving the media landscape and the industry towards a more connected and mobile ecosystem, according to a senior executive with the electronics giant Samsung.

Dr Kiho Kim, the Executive Vice President of Samsung Electronics, made the observation during his keynote address to the ABU Technical Committee at its meeting in Seoul, Korea, part of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union’s 49th General Assembly activities.

Dr Kim spoke on “Future Information and Communication Technology Megatrends and Implication for Broadcasting”, looking at how ICTs had changed in the past and how current developments were driving the media.

Dr Kim spoke on the second day of the committee’s meeting at the 63 Convention Center. The day had started with presentations by individual study and advisory groups on the latest developments in topic areas and recommendations they were submitting for consideration.

In the production area, Mr Shuji Inaba from TBS-Japan spoke about Ultra High Definition TV, systems for people with special needs and IT-based production systems. On transmission, Mr Masayuki Takada, of NHK-Japan explained issues of DTTB coverage and frequency planning, highlighting some of the achievements from countries in the region moving towards analogue switch-off.

Mr Tharaka Mohotty of MTV-Sri Lanka reported on progress on training and capacity building and low-cost infrastructure development, while in the spectrum workshop, the chairperson Mrs Zhu Yun Yi of RTPRC-China reported on spectrum issues on the International Telecommunication Union’s WRC-15 agenda.

In the afternoon, the Digital Radio Forum and the Developing Broadcasters’ Forum meetings were held in parallel with two technical information workshop sessions. 

In the final session of the day, the ABU Technology Department met members’ Technical Liaison Officers, an opportunity for the members to voice their views and requirements on technical activities of the union.