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India starts Phase II of digitisation

India has started the countdown for the second phase of digitisation in 38 cities in 15 states, the deadline for which is 31 March 2013, RapidTVNews reports.

Following the successful switchover in Mumbai and Delhi, Information & Broadcasting Secretary Uday Kumar Varma recently held a meeting to review Phase II. Digitisation in Kolkata is most likely to happen after Diwali and in Chennai, the fourth metro covered in the first phase, and this will be decided by the Madras High Court on 19 November.

The ministry has planned a one-day workshop this month to prepare an integrated plan of action for a smooth transition to digital cable TV in Phase II cities.

It has asked the multi-system operators (MSOs) to make a thorough assessment of the number of set-top boxes (STBs). “MSOs have also been asked to provide information about the estimated number of STBs and their plans for procurement of STBs to ensure that the deadline of 31 March 2013 is met in these Phase II cities,” the ministry said.