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EBU selects RRsat to deliver content services to Asia

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) selected RRsat to provide digital media content delivery services between Asia and Europe for the coming years, Broadband TV News reports.

Sports, news and special events, broadcast in both SD and HD, will be delivered through RRsat’s teleports for the EBU Network.

RRsat will establish bi-directional fibre connectivity between its teleport in Israel and EBU Network’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and will provide all broadcast services for EBU Network to and from Asia.

The operator will also be responsible for EBU Networks’ occasional use of satellite to satellite transmissions and traffic monitoring utilising EBU capacity on three different satellites.

“We are honored to have been selected by EBU Network as the main partner for their Asia-Europe digital media content management and distribution,” said Avi Cohen, CEO RRsat, in a statement.

“Over the past couple of years, we have invested in our infrastructure in order to provide broadcasting services for sports and other special events (OU services) and this selection is an important recognition of RRsat’s consistent high level of service.”