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MediaCorp migrates its entire operation to file-based workflow

Singapore’s national broadcaster MediaCorp has chosen Dalet Media Life as the enterprise Media Asset Management (MAM) platform for the migration of its entire operation to a fully file-based workflow, including the digitization of its archive.

Dalet Media Life will provide end-to-end, integrated management for program preparation, production, and the distribution workflow that will unify many different IT and broadcast systems at MediaCorp’s Caldecott Broadcast Centre. At any point in the workflow, users can execute fast, drill-down metadata queries in multiple languages (English, Mandarin, Tamil, and Malay) using the Dalet search engine to search and browse content.

The first phase of the project will integrate the file-based systems with existing studios, video and audio post, and transmission systems. It will also involve digitising MediaCorp’s 60,000-hour archive. The company expects to transmit all free-to-air-channels in HD digital format by December 2013 under the DVB-T2 television standard.