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Australian government announces more radio for rural and remote communities

Australia’s Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Senator Stephen Conroy, announced that people in rural and remote Australia can now listen to an expanded range of ABC radio services.

“This is great news for people living outside our major cities, who from today can listen to a wider range of ABC radio stations via the Viewer Access Satellite Television (VAST) platform,” Senator Conroy said.

“For the first time, people living outside our capital cities will be able to listen to the ABC’s digital-only radio channels: Dig, ABC Country, ABC Jazz, ABC Digital Extra, ABC Grandstand and triple J Unearthed.”

“The new ABC services, along with the existing SBS radio services, mean people will have access to more radio stations. This is another step that the Government is taking to close the gap in radio and TV services that has long existed between the cities and the bush.” he added.