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“Man of vision” steps down as President of the ABU

Dr Kim In-Kyu, described by the United Nation’s General Secretary as “a man of vision”, has completed his term as President and CEO of KBS and has stepped down as President of the ABU.

Dr Kim was elected of a Vice-President of the ABU in 2010 then President a year later.

Speaking after Dr Kim received the 2012 International Emmy Directorate Award in New York on 11 November, the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Dr Kim was “a man of vision committed to deepening global understanding within Korea and sharing Korea’s diverse stories across Asia and around the world.

“He has done it for 40 years through quality programming, distinctive broadcasting and leadership, not only at KBS but at the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union,” Mr Ban said.

ABU Secretary General Dr Javad Mottaghi praised Dr Kim for his “invaluable contribution, support and impressive achievements that will long be remembered”.

He said Dr Kim had contributed vastly to the development of the organisation and broadcasting in the Asia-Pacific. He numbered among these KBS’s hosting of the 49th ABU General Assembly, supporting the successful launches of the ABU Radio and TV Song Festivals and the Asia- Pacific View content exchange platform, as well as supporting the ABU@2020 reform process and many other initiatives that “will bring added value to the Union and its members in the years to come”. 

In a farewell letter to ABU members, Dr Kim said together they had “ushered in landmark events that are sure to have a lasting impact on the ABU and the Asia-Pacific Region as a whole”. 

These had included negotiating broadcasting rights to the London Olympics in Pyongyang, facilitating access for North Korean journalists and coverage for North Korean viewers. 

“We also saw the debut of two incredible tributes to the power of music in building Asia-Pacific solidarity, the ABU Radio Song Festival and the ABU TV Song Festival, at the ABU 2012 Seoul General Assembly,” he said. 

“Thanks to all of our achievements, it is with a sense of proud accomplishment that I shall depart from the Presidency of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union this month, as my term as President and CEO at the Korean Broadcasting System has come to an end. Thank you once again for your hard work and dedication. I wish you and the ABU only the best in future endeavours.

Dr Kim added: “Though my official duties at the service of the ABU have now concluded, I will watch your strides into the future with great interest and fondness in my heart.”