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India orders DRM-configured transmitters for its transition to digital

India’s public broadcaster Prasar Bharati has issued orders for six Nautel medium wave transmitters configured for Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) transmission.

The purchase is part of All India Radio’s (AIR) plans to upgrade facilities throughout India to DRM30 digital broadcasting The DRM digitisation implementation will allow AIR to also use alternative platforms such as podcasting, SMS, webcasting and mobile service.

AIR also intends to offer a 24-hour news channel along with other programming. Additional services such as Interactive Text Transmission and disaster warning alerts are also planned.

Hal Kneller, Nautel Regional Sales Manager – Europe and Africa said “As a member of the DRM Consortium executive and steering boards, it thrills me that Nautel has been chosen to bring India into the age of digital radio with this technology. “Prasar Bharati and All India Radio have embarked on a project that will bring great flexibility and a world of possibilities to broadcasting in India. We look forward to working with AIR as they proceed with their digital deployment.”