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CBN China partners globally on climate change and sustainability programs

China Business Network (CBN) this week launched its new media project The Future We Want, dedicated to the topic of sustainability.

The project it will showcase projects from around the world geared towards promoting climate protection and include a three-hour live TV show to be broadcast on CBN on December 31. There will also be a 24-hour video live stream on the topic in cooperation with online partners YouKu and BestTV.

The Future We Want is supported by Germany’s Deutsche Welle (DW), BBC Worldwide, CNN, TV5MONDE, Sky News and Earth TV. It also has the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

“Since the launch of the Global Ideas project in 2008, we have reported on hundreds of outstanding environmental projects in the form of TV segments, multimedia documentaries and online articles,” said Manuela Kasper-Claridge, head of the Global Ideas project and of DW’s business desk. At a roundtable discussion during the press conference in Beijing introducing The Future We Want, she emphasized the role of media in raising awareness of sustainability.

“China plays a crucial role in the fight against climate change. That’s why discussion about eco-friendly practices and the consequences of global warming is especially important there,” Kasper-Claridge added.