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BBC Sport launches smartphone app

BBC has unveiled a new BBC Sport app for iPhone and iPod Touch – and in the next few weeks it will roll it out for Android, followed by an optimised version for Kindle Fire.

According to the broadcaster, mobile devices now account for a third of  BBC Sport’s total traffic, rising to more than 40% at weekends and peaking at 45% on Saturday afternoons.

The new app contains the same web-based content as the BBC’s mobile sport website — such as news, live scores, stats, commentary and analysis and adds extra features and functionality using native app technology such as customisable menus.

Commenting on the launch, Lucie McLean, executive product manager for sport, BBC Future Media, said: “Through the huge success of the Olympics we know that audiences love to access sport services through both mobile browser and apps. The new BBC Sport app builds on the success of London 2012 to give users an even easier way to get the content they love, whether it’s checking out how their team got on, following live text updates on the day’s sporting action or catching up with the latest news.”