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DigiTAG offers DSO guidance

DigiTAG, the broadcast industry body that promotes digital terrestrial television (DTT) and protecting broadcast spectrum for broadcasters has published a new guide on digital switchover. The guide provides a comprehensive overview of the key regulatory, business, and technical issues that must be addressed for a successful digital switchover process. It also explores strategies for analogue switch-off as well as some of the key topics national administrations will need to consider in the next few years such as the allocation of the digital dividend, spectrum sharing and the impact of mobile broadband services on the DTT platform.

DigiTAG notes that nearly all countries around the world have adopted a DTT standard and are now preparing to launch DTT services, and suggests that lessons can already be learned from countries that have completed the transition from analogue to digital terrestrial television. Most notably, successful transitions have allowed the terrestrial television platform to expand its service offering to viewers, thereby encouraging an initial market-led transition to digital technology.

This new DigiTAG Guide seeks to help those countries beginning the process learning from the experiences of those countries having completed switchover. The new DigiTAG Guide also provides insight into the frequency management issues that national administrations will need to consider over the next few years.

(Advanced Television)